The American media, across the spectrum, in all forms, has
never been so unreliable, so biased, so propagandized and untruthful as in the
past 18 months of presidential campaign coverage.
Regardless of whether we are reading establishment
newspapers and magazines, viewing television news outlets, cable and network,
or listening to talk radio, we have been inundated with lie after lie, all of
which were intended to maintain the establishment grip on Washington, D.C., and
the political bureaucracy.
The basis for this not-so-astounding claim on my part is the
overwhelming use of surveys loosely defined as "polls" which drove
every single news cycle regardless of the nature of true news that far too
often was relegated to secondary status. Even when a major event did occur,
such as the terrorist attack on a gay club in Orlando, Florida, the media
ultimately got around to what it would mean in the polls.
If you want to know when the media is lying to you – aside
from newscasters moving their lips - you simply have to look for any segment
that starts with the words "according to recent polls." If you like
you can substitute "just released" or "brand new" or words
of that nature for 'recent.'
Before a single candidate announced for the presidency, the
media and the major political parties had already decided that Democrat Hillary
Clinton would face Jeb Bush, who would vanquish his Republican primary opponents
with aplomb. After a hard-fought campaign Bush would be ever-so-closely edged
out by the woman who would be the first female president of the US.
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Hillary Clinton |
And the media already had the polls to prove it! But far too
often, those "polls" did not include a representative sampling of
Republican, Democrat and Independent voters in the percentages by which they
were registered in the area where the sample was taken, much less those who
could be relied upon to vote. In fact, many of the early polls didn't even
ascertain whether the respondents were registered voters, and often included a
random sampling of several hundred "adults."
In other words, they were meaningless. Yet the polls drove
the news and the intent was that the news then would drive the polls.
Two things stepped in the way; the campaigns of Vermont
Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who ran as a Democrat alternative to
Clinton, and Republican Donald Trump who ran as an alternative to the
establishment. After a well-run campaign in which the media undermined him at
every opportunity, in coordination with the Democrat National Committee, and
hurt him as much by the issues it didn't cover as those it did, Sanders went
down to pre-ordained defeat, with Clinton the anointed successor to Barack
Then to the horror of his one-time supporters Sanders found
the sudden wealth to purchase a third home, a $600,000 mansion, and instantly
became a Clinton supporter. In fact, as the campaign progressed, Sanders had
his nose so far up Clinton's rectum that he morphed into a political caricature
of Pinocchio, pausing only to beg of Clinton, "Tell me another lie, tell
me another lie!"
But Trump, who was under fire from the first question he
fielded in the first primary debate, turned the tables on virtually everyone,
including the media and the political establishment which for the purposes of
this article means that unholy conglomerate of D.C.-centrist insiders and
self-anointed "elitists" from both major parties. He bested 16 other
primary opponents, many of whom had so little support that they weren't even
allowed on the same stage with him.
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Donald J. Trump |
Trump had enough money to fund his own campaign without
having his legs cut out from under him by biased news reports that are intended
to stop the flow of donor cash that for other candidates funds the campaign ads
that are the life blood of the media. And Trump, unlike any of his predecessors
going back to Dwight Eisenhower, showed that not only did he not need the ads,
he also had the personal toughness to withstand the unrelenting, usually false
assaults on him by the media and its stooges, props and sycophants.
So here we are on the cusp of the 2016 presidential election
with the media universally proclaiming the race is a "dead heat" with
Hillary Clinton just a few points ahead of Trump, but within the "margin
of error." Bull. I have reviewed the methodology of virtually every poll
done in every "battleground" state where the decision supposedly will
really be made – because according to the media mantra, every voter in every
non-battleground state is so predictable that they really don’t need to pay
attention to them on Nov. 8. These polls say she will eke out a narrow victory,
just as planned at the outset.
Really? I've got news for you. Many so-called predictable
"blue" states are in the media's list of Clinton guaranteed electoral
votes only because they are using the same bogus polling methodology in the
final days that they were using months ago. And these polls still are
over-sampling Democrats while under-sampling Republicans and Independents,
usually by double digits.
Yet even with the deck stacked in that manner Trump is
close, tied, or within the "margin of error," which tells me that the
media is trying, right up to the last minute, to keep the election within a
razor-thin margin that would preempt large-scale calls for recounts and
investigations of voter fraud. "Oh, so close. Sorry guys. But you did give
it a good try." And an anti-establishment candidate will never be heard
from again in our lifetimes.
More to the point, people writing about or broadcasting
these lies know exactly what they are doing but keep telling us with a straight
face that a majority of American voters still prefer a candidate who some are
saying committed treason, to a capable businessman who sometimes makes
thin-skinned people feel uncomfortable.
Before every news organization and college looking for extra
income started doing "polls" there were two major polling
organizations in the US; the Gallup Poll and the Harris Poll. Interestingly,
neither of these organizations does polling on presidential races, although
they will poll issues surrounding those races.
One reason why is the incredible unpredictability of the
electorate, and to do an accurate poll of political preferences you have to get
the names and contact information for people who actually are registered to
vote, and usually do, an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. You have to
have their party affiliation or lack of it, and the frequency with which they
go to the polls in similar elections going back at least 4 cycles to have any
chance at accuracy.
And even then you can be blindsided because, as is the case
this year, millions of people registered to vote in the Republican primaries
and you can see from the turnout at his events that they are there for Trump.
But they aren't on the lists of people who have voted in similar elections so
they don't get polled; although that really wouldn't matter since the media
model is to get sufficient responses to verify its pre-selected outcome, not to
find out what people are really thinking.
So they 'poll' a few or several hundred people, get the
response they wanted, then claim to know exactly where the race stands, within
a supposedly acceptable margin of error. Want to know what the The Harris Poll
thinks of margins of error? Check this out.
Also, Gallup samples generally are at least 1,000 respondents and sometimes much larger. Only rarely do they go into the 500-1000 range, but many media polls routinely sample less than 500 alleged voters, and then claim to know the mood of the country.
So I don't look for a Hillary Clinton victory on Tuesday because even though she has plenty of supporters who are willing to look past her personal history, her husband's history, her foundation's activities, her support for so many anti-American positions on myriad issues, and her abject failures as a public official, there are far more Americans who have had it with her and the political establishment.
Thus, barring a massive outbreak of voter fraud, which is possible, I admit, I believe the real polls put Trump over the top. And if that prediction comes true I hope one of his first acts is to put the so-called media, those pusillanimous purveyors of lies, divisiveness and hatred on notice that they will be the last people in town to get a heads up on anything, whether it be breaking international news or a brief on the D.C. Zoning Commission's upcoming decision on an application to build a dog house.
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